Ashford Water District

Pierce County, Washington

*** public notice section:

Ongoing chlorination after repairs; will update as I know more.



NOTE: There should be no advertisements displayed on any Ashford Water District (AWD) webpages; if you see ads, use (HTTPS secures websites from ads injected by internet service providers).


Certificate of Water Availability [see below for more info]

Consumer Confidence Report on AWD water-quality; due July 1 of the following year

Waste less water (WA Dept. of Health PDFs; two formats, English and Spanish)


Contact information:

Office phone: 360-569-8811


Office location (for AWD meetings, 2nd Monday of every month, 6pm):

30415 SR 706 E
Ashford WA, 98304

Mailing Address (for payment):
PO Box C
Ashford, WA 98304


Costs- check or money order (send to AWD mailing address) made out to "Ashford Water District":

$45 for the first 5,000 gallons through each water meter served by AWD, plus $3 for every additional 1,000 gallons (we round down to the nearest gallon when reading meters)

$100 for a Certificate of Water Availability, valid for three years.

To request a Certificate of Water Availability, send us the following via email, voice mail, or US mail:

Your name, the address and parcel number of the relevant property, and a way for us to contact you in case we have any questions, and AWD will send you the form to fill out the remainder of. Tell us if you want a paper copy or via email.

You can find your parcel number at either of these Pierce County websites:

More in-depth information about the parcel:

Please only fill out Part A (the first half on page 1) and send the completed form to Pierce County.


*Anticipated Features:

Accessibility- as a government entity, the Ashford Water District website should be accessible to as many people as possible.

Consumer Confidence Report- the results of our water-quality tests, due to active customers by July 1 of each year, per the Washington State Department of Health.

Feedback/questions form- a way to easily communicate with the water commissioners. Please use email or phone for now, with "ATTN: Henry RE website" as the subject.


Copyright? Thus far, if you see any design elements on this page that you'd like to copy, go for it :) This is an intentionally-minimal static webpage of a government entity in service to the public.

Updated 2024 April 22 by Henry Brock